By Super User on Thursday, 10 March 2022
Category: General News

Spring Cleaning in the Classroom: Tips for a Fresh Start

For most of us, the turn of the season means it's time to declutter our homes. We donate the clothes that don't fit, put away our winter decorations, and start taking inventory on what we really need in our houses. But, what about your classroom?

We all know and love that "first day of school" feeling when the classrooms are newly decorated, having been untouched for several summer months, with everything perfectly in its place! Chances are your classroom looks a bit different than it did on the first day of school, and that's okay. However, what if we take the Spring-cleaning mindset back to school and mark a fresh start for yourself and your students? A spring clean is not just about adding some new, fresh décor, but it gives us a chance to evaluate our environment and make positive changes. Check out CCEF's tips to spring cleaning your classroom!  

Clean Up the Classroom

We've all taken more precautions in the last couple of years to ensure clean, and healthy environments at home, at school, and at work. But spring cleaning is about going that extra mile! Talk with your students about the functionality of the classroom.

What would help your students remember to out things away? Does everything need to have a label? Are there piles starting to form? When was the last time you dusted behind that bookshelf? Taking a moment to really evaluate what needs that extra push of cleanliness or organization could help ease the stress of teachers and students alike!  

Brighten Things Up!  

Have you been wanting to reorganize your classroom or switch up the decorations? There is no reason to wait until the next school year to act on your décor desires! Springtime is the perfect time to switch things up a bit. Change the color scheme, add some fresh elements to your décor, or even reorganize the desks to encourage socialization among different groups of students. Your classroom is you and your student's space to learn, explore, and incite curiosity. Take the time to make your room reflective of your personality!  

Soothe Your Workspace

Cherokee County Educational Foundation knows how hard teachers and school faculty work every single day. Of course, its no surprise that the workspaces tend to get a little hectic. The unfortunate thing is that when we push our own organization to the bottom of our priority list, that only increases the stress we feel.

Whether its post-it notes with memos, graded papers, work that's waiting to be reviewed, calendars, etc., having a workspace that works for you is crucial to making your classroom a positive, functional environment. This Spring, take the time to throw out things you don't need, put away the items that you are done working on, create space for new papers, and grab some décor to liven up your workspace!

Springtime means new beginnings, leaving the past behind, and summer break sneaking in just around the corner. Not to mention, taking the time to clean up and organize your space means there will be far less for you to do come summertime!

If you have ideas that will encourage your students and create a space of enjoyment, ingenuity, and excitement in the classroom, remember that CCEF accepts applications for Rapid Grants all school year long! Click the button below to apply for a Rapid Grant with CCEF. Happy Spring Cleaning!