The Cherokee County Educational Foundation | Educate. Innovate. Celebrate. | Click Here to Donate

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Giving Tuesday - A Reason to Give

The Cherokee County Educational Foundation relies solely on the generosity of donors to sponsor initiatives that will help make the Cherokee County School District be at its best. We ask for donations year-round, but the heart of Giving Tuesday aligns with the reason CCEF asks for donations – to help make the world a better place. Giving Tuesday is a movement that focuses on generosity not just regionally or nationally – but on a global level. This movement strongly believes that together, we can bring some light to a world that can sometimes seem dark. As humans, we crave connection and community, and this community is created through small and large acts of kindness and generosity.

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Cherokee County School District Data Protection Plan

By Bobby Blount 

Technology has become an important part of the classroom, and as it has gained traction in the school system, it has become necessary to implement a data protection plan to protect the students of Cherokee County. The Cherokee County School District has implemented several strategies for protecting student information and investments as it relates to technology use. With an environment of continuous threats throughout the world, we find that we must remain vigilant to maintain and sustain a secured networked environment for our teaching and learning community.

While much of the responsibility for data security and protection falls upon the Division of Technology & Information Services, all users in the CCSD education community have a significant part to play in helping to keep information and devices protected. Here are some ways CCSD protects the students!

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Thank you to our Donors

Thanksgiving is right around the corner, and we want to take this opportunity to thank those that contribute to the Foundation. Donors are an important part of the program here at the Cherokee County Educational Foundation. Without them, we would not be able to make an impact on the Cherokee County School District. From Teacher of the Year programs to school-based projects targeting at-risk students, we are determined to make Cherokee County a hub for public education. However, this can't be done overnight, and certainly can't be done without the generosity of our donors. But, why do they do it? Read below to see three reasons people give.
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Benefits of Technology in the Classroom

This is a hot topic as people debate if utilizing technology in the classroom is harmful or helpful to the learning experience. There are great arguments for both as some teachers find it to be distracting while others enjoy the benefits technology has to offer. There was a time when libraries and paper documents were the only reliable source for academic information. Phones only made calls. If you wanted portable music, you had to have a Walkman. Social media didn't exist, and if you wanted to get somewhere you either looked at a map or printed off MapQuest instructions before you left for your trip. The times have certainly changed.

Current school-aged kids were born between 2001 and 2016. This means the students that now occupy classrooms have barely known a life without Google, iPods, GPS, Wi-Fi, or social media. While there are some issues that come with the world revolving around devices, what if these devices and advances in technology could benefit a student's education? What if they could make a difference in the classroom? Good news, they already are making a difference! With the advance of technology, there have been so many doors opened for students and teachers alike.

Here are 5 benefits of utilizing technology in the classroom!

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$50,000 Chick-fil-A Donation Will Benefit the CCEF and Cherokee County Special Olympics

All six Chick-fil-A locations across Cherokee County banded together to hold their Annual Chick-fil-A"Moove It" 5K road race at the Etowah River Park. The event drew more than 1,500 registered runners and supporters, and is the largest event of its kind in Cherokee County as well as North Georgia. 

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CCEF to Participate in AmazonSmile

Have you ever heard of the phrase "every penny counts"? You might have heard someone say this and think that it's just a phrase people say to try to rope you into donating your money to a cause. Well, there's a reason that phrase is used so frequently – it's because it's true!

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The Importance of Teacher Appreciation

Can you think back to at least one teacher that impacted your life? 

Whether you were in school 2 years ago or 20 years ago, there is probably more than one name popping in your head of a teacher that saw you, believed in you, and pushed you. The narrative is the same for so many people as they realize the power a teacher holds on their students. 

Maybe a teacher showed you kindness when you needed a smiling face. Or maybe a teacher saw your potential and didn't accept mediocrity. The support of teachers comes in so many different forms, but they have an impact that extends far beyond the walls of the school. 

Despite their advantageous pursuit of forming the young minds of the next generation, teachers are often overlooked and underappreciated. 

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Cherokee County Schools Night with the Hawks

Cherokee County Schools Night with the Hawks

ATL Hawks vs. MIA Heat | Thursday, February 20th | @ 7:30pm

Join us for Cherokee County Schools Night at State Farm Arena! Each ticket includes $10 worth of food and beverage credit! The first fifty people (ages 6+) to purchase a ticket through this offer will get to take part in one of our exclusive fan experiences. A portion from each ticket purchased through the link below will benefit the Cherokee County Educational Foundation. Tickets can be purchased through the provided link or attached flier.
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2019 CCEF Golf Classic Continued

 We're so excited to see all the photos coming in from our 2019 CCEF Golf Classic event last week! Check out the gallery below to see some more pictures. 

These photos will be posted on our Facebook page as well. Feel free to tag yourself and any other familiar faces!

If you haven't checked out the photos from our first post, click here.

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Why Invest in Disadvantaged Students

Not everyone has the same story. Some students show up to school every day and can effortlessly pass all their classes, while others may need more help to achieve the same success. However, these disadvantaged students haven't always received the attention they needed to help them succeed. 

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Impact of Quality Schools on Real Estate Prices

 There are many pieces to the puzzle when deciding a location to build or buy a house. Some of the puzzle pieces include:

  • Surrounding Community 
  • School District
  • Job Security
  • Surrounding Housing Market
  • Tax Rates 
  • Mortgage Rates
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2019 CCEF Golf Classic

What an amazing day of good weather and great golfers to benefit the students and staff of Cherokee County.  Thank you to our sponsors, players, and volunteers.  Every public school in Cherokee County will benefit from this incredible outing.  Check out the gallery of photos from today's successful event.

To view more photos from the event, click here.

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2019 Cherokee County Educational Foundation Golf Classic

Happy Fall, Cherokee County!

We finally have some fall weather, and what better way to enjoy the crisp air than participating in the 6th annual CCEF Golf Classic benefiting the students and staff of the Cherokee County School District on October 14th at BridgeMill Athletic Club. Don't miss the chance to show off your golf game, all for a good cause. 

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On the Road with CCEF Contest Winners Announced

By: Lisa-Marie Haygood 

Each summer, supporters of Cherokee County Educational Foundation (CCEF) are encouraged to travel with their CCEF t-shirts and capture photos near and far. They submit their travel pictures to the On the Road with CCEF contest, and the person who travels the greatest distance is awarded a $300 gift card. A drawing is held for an additional $100 gift card from all other entries. 

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2019-2020 T-Shirt Campaign

 The Cherokee County Educational Foundation (CCEF) is launching its 8th Annual T-Shirt Fundraising Campaign! The 501©(3) non-profit organization, supports both students and staff of the Cherokee County School District by promoting teaching, learning and celebrating achievements. CCEF seeks funding and resources to enrich Cherokee County Schools in areas not fully funded in the regular school program. 

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No Room for Hunger in Cherokee County

Many kids rely on the meals provided to them by their school to keep them fed. So, what happens when they're out for the summer and are no longer able to obtain food? The answer is disheartening – they often go hungry.

"6 out of 7 hungry kids don't get the summer meals they need." Reports No Kid Hungry.

This is a reality that so many children face, but thanks to the funding of the USDA Seamless Summer Option, less kids are going hungry in the summer months.

The Cherokee County School District Nutrition Department and the Transportation Department joined forces to take an old school bus and turn it into a sign of hope for so many children. This sign of hope came in the form of a new delivery bus.

This café on wheels made a big impact on Cherokee County's community. The only requirements are that the recipients of these summer meals must be 18 years old or younger, and that they eat the meal on-site – no identification required! Kids can eat either in the bus or on the tables and chairs provided that surround the bus.

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CCEF President and Northside Hospital CEO Receives Superintendent’s 2019 Game Changer Award

Superintendent Dr. Brian Hightower surprised Billy Hayes with his Superintendent's 2019 Game Changer Award for Instructional Advocacy during the monthly board meeting of the Cherokee County Educational Foundation where the Northside CEO serves as board president. Enter heading here...
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Celebration of Education Gala

b2ap3 amp gala logo smallThe Cherokee County Educational Foundation (CCEF) will present its 5th Annual “Celebration of Education” Gala fundraiser on Saturday, March 9, 2019 at the Northside Hospital-Cherokee Conference Center.

We are very excited about our event to benefit the schools and students of the Cherokee County School District. This black-tie night includes dinner, the “CCSD’s Got Talent” Student Talent Show, Silent Auction and special recognitions of outstanding Alumni and Educators. We are asking for your support.

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2019 5K

Save the date for the 2019 5K, August 10, 2019. Stay tuned for more details.

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Fifth Annual Golf Classic at BridgeMill

CCEF's fifth annual Golf Classic was at BridgeMill Athletic Club on Monday, October 8. Thank you for making our Annual Golf Classic an Amazing Success.

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